MontanaFair Donation Request
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MontanaFair Donation Request


Donation Request

Please complete this online form for donation requests, keeping the following in mind.
*Donations consist of tickets only, no funds are available as donations. Valid only for the 2025 season.
*All requests must be received by June 1, 2025. If you receive an approval letter, please submit to the Box Office no later than August 1, 2025.
*Completing this form does not guarantee any part of the request will be granted. Donations received in prior years, for similar events, or to the same recipient are not guaranteed approval.

Charitable organizations requesting ticket donations are required to submit Proof of Status [501a, 501(c)3, etc.] as well as their completed 990 form.

Please describe your group, organization, event.
Description or quantity to be donated.
Formal Letter Request If applicable, please upload letter requests here.
Proof of Status Please submit documents here
990 Form Please submit documents here.
MetraPark and MontanaFair, as partners in the Billings community, recognize the importance of community relations and supporting local businesses and organizations. To help guide in that effort, donation requests will be evaluated based upon the relevance between the reason for request and the mission of MetraPark and MontanaFair, focusing on positive community impact. Requests from organizations that are inconsistent with the mission or values of MetraPark and MontanaFair or that would be deemed a conflict of interest will not be approved.
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